Do You Speak English?

3/15/2007, 4:22:54 PM
(Drowning Pool @ 14.03.2007 - время: 05:05)Hello.My name is Artem.I'm 20 and I study in Linguistical University in Nizhny Novgorod.I want to be a translator or just get university education.How long you all learn English?
Не считая нескольких лет в школе и двух - в универе :) учил инглиш месяцев 6 на курсах в России, потом в сумме восемь месяцев в Новой Зеландии.
Сейчас я живу в Новой Зеландии так что в некотором роде продолжаю его "учить".
Не считая нескольких лет в школе и двух - в универе :) учил инглиш месяцев 6 на курсах в России, потом в сумме восемь месяцев в Новой Зеландии.
Сейчас я живу в Новой Зеландии так что в некотором роде продолжаю его "учить".

Drowning Pool
3/16/2007, 8:17:41 PM
Why you don't speak English?It's a good test for people, who learn this language.

3/23/2007, 1:51:08 AM
Изучайте английский... или о пользе нестандартного мышления
Cвященнослужитель и австралийский пастух овец выступают соперниками в
одной телевизионной викторине. После того, как были заданы все
стандартные вопросы, результат - ничья. Тогда ведущий передачи задает
последний решающий вопрос: оба участника должны придумать в течение 5-ти минут стихотворение, в котором бы прозвучало слово "Тимбукту" (для
справки - это город в республике Мали, который в свое время был торговым
и культурным центром Ислама). Оба кандидата удаляются, и через 5 минут
на сцену выходит священнослужитель, чтобы представить свое произведение:
"I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu....."
Публика в восторге и уже воображает церковного служителя победителем
викторины. Но тут на сцену выходит австралийский пастух и произносит:
"When Tim and I to Brisbane went
We met three ladies cheap to rent,
they were three and we were two.
so I booked one and Tim booked two....."
Cвященнослужитель и австралийский пастух овец выступают соперниками в
одной телевизионной викторине. После того, как были заданы все
стандартные вопросы, результат - ничья. Тогда ведущий передачи задает
последний решающий вопрос: оба участника должны придумать в течение 5-ти минут стихотворение, в котором бы прозвучало слово "Тимбукту" (для
справки - это город в республике Мали, который в свое время был торговым
и культурным центром Ислама). Оба кандидата удаляются, и через 5 минут
на сцену выходит священнослужитель, чтобы представить свое произведение:
"I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu....."
Публика в восторге и уже воображает церковного служителя победителем
викторины. Но тут на сцену выходит австралийский пастух и произносит:
"When Tim and I to Brisbane went
We met three ladies cheap to rent,
they were three and we were two.
so I booked one and Tim booked two....."

3/23/2007, 2:10:48 AM
(Drowning Pool @ 16.03.2007 - время: 17:17) Why you don't speak English?It's a good test for people, who learn this language.
Why don't you speak English? - it is correct!
Why don't you speak English? - it is correct!

3/23/2007, 2:13:06 AM
(Drowning Pool @ 13.03.2007 - время: 19:05) How long you all learn English?
Э....Э....э....А куда вы вспомогательный глагол to do потеряли??
Э....Э....э....А куда вы вспомогательный глагол to do потеряли??

Tata Fox
3/23/2007, 4:23:38 PM
And question for everybody: do you know, how can I spell "@" in English?

3/24/2007, 2:00:51 AM
Я всегда называю the dog и меня понимают)

Акула пера
3/24/2007, 3:45:33 AM
(Tata Fox @ 23.03.2007 - время: 13:23) And question for everybody: do you know, how can I spell "@" in English?
At (Эт)
Как называют значок @ в разных странах?
Болгария: маймунско а (обезьянья а) или маймунска (обезьянка)
Венгрия: kukac (червяк)
Германия: affenschwanz (обезьяний хвост)
Греция: папаки (утенок)
Дания: alfa-tegn (альфа) или grisehale (свиной хвост)
Израиль: шаблуль (улитка) или штрудель (рулет)
Индонезия: кеонг (улитка)
Италия: chiocciola (улитка)
Испания: arrova (мера веса - 12,78 кг)
Нидерланды: apeklootje (яичко обезьянки) или a-krul (кудрявая а)
Норвегия: grisehale (свиной хвост) или krollalfa (альфа с хвостиком)
Польша: malpa (обезьяна)
Португалия: arroba (мера веса - 12,78 кг)
Республика Корея: дальхэнги (улитка)
Румыния: coada de maimuta (обезьяний хвост)
Сербия: majmun (обезьяна) или ludo a (безумная а)
Словения: afna (обезьяна)
Таиланд: ай туа йюкийу (извивающийся червяк)
Тайвань: сяо лао шу (мышка)
Турция: kulak (ухо) Финляндия: kissanhnta (кошачий хвост)
Франция: escargot (улитка)
Чехия: zavinac (соленая селедка)
Швеция: snabel-a (а с хоботом) или kanelbulle (рулет)
Шри-Ланка: ватту (круг), инаивари (интернет-адрес) или ку (буква тамильского алфавита)
Эстония: kommertsmark (торговый знак)
ЮАР: aapstert (обезьяний хвост)
At (Эт)
Как называют значок @ в разных странах?
Болгария: маймунско а (обезьянья а) или маймунска (обезьянка)
Венгрия: kukac (червяк)
Германия: affenschwanz (обезьяний хвост)
Греция: папаки (утенок)
Дания: alfa-tegn (альфа) или grisehale (свиной хвост)
Израиль: шаблуль (улитка) или штрудель (рулет)
Индонезия: кеонг (улитка)
Италия: chiocciola (улитка)
Испания: arrova (мера веса - 12,78 кг)
Нидерланды: apeklootje (яичко обезьянки) или a-krul (кудрявая а)
Норвегия: grisehale (свиной хвост) или krollalfa (альфа с хвостиком)
Польша: malpa (обезьяна)
Португалия: arroba (мера веса - 12,78 кг)
Республика Корея: дальхэнги (улитка)
Румыния: coada de maimuta (обезьяний хвост)
Сербия: majmun (обезьяна) или ludo a (безумная а)
Словения: afna (обезьяна)
Таиланд: ай туа йюкийу (извивающийся червяк)
Тайвань: сяо лао шу (мышка)
Турция: kulak (ухо) Финляндия: kissanhnta (кошачий хвост)
Франция: escargot (улитка)
Чехия: zavinac (соленая селедка)
Швеция: snabel-a (а с хоботом) или kanelbulle (рулет)
Шри-Ланка: ватту (круг), инаивари (интернет-адрес) или ку (буква тамильского алфавита)
Эстония: kommertsmark (торговый знак)
ЮАР: aapstert (обезьяний хвост)

4/4/2007, 3:13:35 PM
(snovaya @ 10.02.2007 - время: 01:50) Любишь и знаешь английский язык? Профессионально с ним работаешь? Учишь его?
Собираемся в этой теме, знакомимся... А для специальных вопросов создаём отдельные темы (именно в этом подфоруме - "Лингвистика"). Кстати, предложи здесь твои темы об английском языке...
Do you like and does know English? Do you work professionaly with English? Do you teach English?
We are going in this topic, meet... And for the special questions we create separate topics (exactly in this subforum is "Linguistics"). By the way offer here your topic about English...
(sorry for mistakes)
Yep! I do everything you wrote above. Let discuss any English's aspect. I've a couple of topic for you(in Russian). So, I'm in touch of native speacers and know what i'm talking about.
Собираемся в этой теме, знакомимся... А для специальных вопросов создаём отдельные темы (именно в этом подфоруме - "Лингвистика"). Кстати, предложи здесь твои темы об английском языке...
Do you like and does know English? Do you work professionaly with English? Do you teach English?
We are going in this topic, meet... And for the special questions we create separate topics (exactly in this subforum is "Linguistics"). By the way offer here your topic about English...
(sorry for mistakes)
Yep! I do everything you wrote above. Let discuss any English's aspect. I've a couple of topic for you(in Russian). So, I'm in touch of native speacers and know what i'm talking about.

4/4/2007, 6:03:30 PM
ehm..... sorry for interrupting, but what's the point of all these above?
to ask all kinda questions you have about english or to write down a pair of cool sentences that you already know how to write?))
to ask all kinda questions you have about english or to write down a pair of cool sentences that you already know how to write?))

4/4/2007, 6:08:42 PM
(BESSonka @ 04.04.2007 - время: 14:03) ehm..... sorry for interrupting, but what's the point of all these above?
to ask all kinda questions you have about english or to write down a pair of cool sentences that you already know how to write?))
i think this is the portal development
to ask all kinda questions you have about english or to write down a pair of cool sentences that you already know how to write?))
i think this is the portal development

4/6/2007, 3:19:55 PM
Hmmm...The topic turned into some kind of English Club
May be we'll return to our muttons? What was the point of starting the topic? To get together and define the questions to discuss.
So, where are those questions? I see none.

So, where are those questions? I see none.

Акула пера
4/15/2007, 2:52:38 AM
Извиняюсь, никто не мог бы мне помочь с переводом фразы the gotchas that’ll getcha? Заранее благодарен.

4/19/2007, 5:04:17 PM
Shameless - unashamed...
Even in Russian the difference is subtle and arguable.
Both variants of interpretation are possible.
Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Thesaurus
Function: adjective
characterized by or exhibiting boldness and a lack of shame <a shameless hussy>
Synonyms: arrant, barefaced, blatant, brassy, brazen, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unabashed, unblushing
Related Words: audacious, bold, cheeky, presumptuous; baldfaced, high-handed; abandoned, dissolute, profligate; immodest, lewd; disgraceful, outrageous
Idioms: bold as brass, dead (or lost) to shame
Contrasted Words: bashful, diffident, mousy, shy; chaste, decent, modest, pure
Even in Russian the difference is subtle and arguable.
Both variants of interpretation are possible.
Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Thesaurus
Function: adjective
characterized by or exhibiting boldness and a lack of shame <a shameless hussy>
Synonyms: arrant, barefaced, blatant, brassy, brazen, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unabashed, unblushing
Related Words: audacious, bold, cheeky, presumptuous; baldfaced, high-handed; abandoned, dissolute, profligate; immodest, lewd; disgraceful, outrageous
Idioms: bold as brass, dead (or lost) to shame
Contrasted Words: bashful, diffident, mousy, shy; chaste, decent, modest, pure

4/19/2007, 5:19:51 PM
As far as I know "the gotchas that'll getcha" is usually used in computer jargon and could be decrypted as:
1) A gotcha is a feature of a system, a program or a programming language that works in the way it is documented but is counter-intuitive and almost invites mistakes because it is both enticingly easy to invoke and completely unexpected and/or unreasonable in its outcome.
2) getcha (get you)
catch you, capture you; kill you; take revenge on you
Now it is easy to see that it means "фишки системы, которые тебя поимеют", ""грабли, на которые наверняка наступишь".
1) A gotcha is a feature of a system, a program or a programming language that works in the way it is documented but is counter-intuitive and almost invites mistakes because it is both enticingly easy to invoke and completely unexpected and/or unreasonable in its outcome.
2) getcha (get you)
catch you, capture you; kill you; take revenge on you
Now it is easy to see that it means "фишки системы, которые тебя поимеют", ""грабли, на которые наверняка наступишь".

5/18/2007, 3:04:23 PM
I lived in England a year about. But now, unfourtounatly, I'm back to Estonia. I lived in South-East part of England, and English people living there, have a little bit different pronounciation, and sometimes, it's hard to understand them. Keep talking about English.

5/18/2007, 4:35:24 PM
Lucky you are :)
Here in New Zealand we've got many different accents and cultures. China, Korea, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Fiji, Russia, USA, India, Brasil, Africa ... people from all over the world. Sometimes, it is hard even for native speakers to understand international English.
On the other hand, New Zealand is a good place to study English therefore. You are quickly getting used to all possible variants of English. Being in NZ for almost 10 months, I am, for example, right now is able to recognise several different accents and, moreover, understand virtually every English, starting from Singlish (Singaporean English) and finishing with... Well, I don't know :) Almost anything...
Here in New Zealand we've got many different accents and cultures. China, Korea, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Fiji, Russia, USA, India, Brasil, Africa ... people from all over the world. Sometimes, it is hard even for native speakers to understand international English.
On the other hand, New Zealand is a good place to study English therefore. You are quickly getting used to all possible variants of English. Being in NZ for almost 10 months, I am, for example, right now is able to recognise several different accents and, moreover, understand virtually every English, starting from Singlish (Singaporean English) and finishing with... Well, I don't know :) Almost anything...

Tata Fox
5/18/2007, 5:35:41 PM
(werrrr @ 18.05.2007 - время: 12:35) Lucky you are :)
Here in New Zealand we've got many different accents and cultures. China, Korea, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Fiji, Russia, USA, India, Brasil, Africa ... people from all over the world. Sometimes, it is hard even for native speakers to understand international English.
On the other hand, New Zealand is a good place to study English therefore. You are quickly getting used to all possible variants of English. Being in NZ for almost 10 months, I am, for example, right now is able to recognise several different accents and, moreover, understand virtually every English, starting from Singlish (Singaporean English) and finishing with... Well, I don't know :) Almost anything...
But on the other hand, it`s too expensive to visit New Zealand for russian people
Here in New Zealand we've got many different accents and cultures. China, Korea, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Fiji, Russia, USA, India, Brasil, Africa ... people from all over the world. Sometimes, it is hard even for native speakers to understand international English.
On the other hand, New Zealand is a good place to study English therefore. You are quickly getting used to all possible variants of English. Being in NZ for almost 10 months, I am, for example, right now is able to recognise several different accents and, moreover, understand virtually every English, starting from Singlish (Singaporean English) and finishing with... Well, I don't know :) Almost anything...
But on the other hand, it`s too expensive to visit New Zealand for russian people

5/19/2007, 6:19:22 PM
Why do you think so? UK, for instance, is more expensive.
If we are talking about a long-term visit (involving renting a flat and living/studying, not just tourist visit), then flight tickets price does not matter much.
If we are talking about a long-term visit (involving renting a flat and living/studying, not just tourist visit), then flight tickets price does not matter much.

5/30/2007, 3:11:56 PM
(SEXY JAZZZ @ 20.02.2007 - время: 22:47)
Becouse you use grammar of oral type of speech....))But it is your choice, not worry!)
Dear SEXY JAZZZ, where have you lost all the articles? or do you prefer not to use them?
and the right spelling of the word "because"" is because,""not becouse""
Becouse you use grammar of oral type of speech....))But it is your choice, not worry!)
Dear SEXY JAZZZ, where have you lost all the articles? or do you prefer not to use them?
and the right spelling of the word "because"" is because,""not becouse""