Do You Speak English?

Акула пера
2/10/2007, 3:50:08 AM
Любишь и знаешь английский язык? Профессионально с ним работаешь? Учишь его?
Собираемся в этой теме, знакомимся... А для специальных вопросов создаём отдельные темы (именно в этом подфоруме - "Лингвистика"). Кстати, предложи здесь твои темы об английском языке...
Do you like and does know English? Do you work professionaly with English? Do you teach English?
We are going in this topic, meet... And for the special questions we create separate topics (exactly in this subforum is "Linguistics"). By the way offer here your topic about English...
(sorry for mistakes)
Собираемся в этой теме, знакомимся... А для специальных вопросов создаём отдельные темы (именно в этом подфоруме - "Лингвистика"). Кстати, предложи здесь твои темы об английском языке...
Do you like and does know English? Do you work professionaly with English? Do you teach English?
We are going in this topic, meet... And for the special questions we create separate topics (exactly in this subforum is "Linguistics"). By the way offer here your topic about English...
(sorry for mistakes)

2/10/2007, 4:31:29 AM
Перевод с русского языка на английский язык очень сломан и запутывающий, очень поскольку это - с другими языками. Я думаю, что это может быть почти невозможным (для меня по крайней мере) ожидать общаться с непринужденностью. Не упоминать, ОЧЕНЬ трудоёмкий ......, если были лучшие переводчики онлайн, которые сделали все страницы хорошо. Возможно. Но пока ............ только постепенно. Если Вы нуждаетесь приблизительно в одном быстром предложении, пробуйте это: https: //

Laura McGrough
2/10/2007, 9:14:03 AM
Oops... Что-то не вижу здесь английского...) Let's strike up a conversation, shall we?) Is anybody going to say something? I adore English, have been studying it for 3 years up to now, love reading and watching DVD, speaking with natives. I'd be very glad if someone suggested an interesting theme related to philosophy, politics or art, cause it would give us a real chance to refresh our writing abilities and find out something we had no idea before. Some time ago I was absolutely mad about English-looking back at my past I remember the months when I wasn't reading Russian books at all, just English ones and tabloids like Daily mail or The Sun that can be found on the net. It was bizzare, I mean to get back to Russian, it was a bit complicated to read our books and news, cause I'd got used to English rules and structure of sentences), the SPOM I'll never forget for sure whatever happens.) Frankly, I don't think this thread has a future, but, anyway.

2/10/2007, 10:06:05 AM
Люблю английский. обажаю просто! Читаю и понимаю хорошо, а вот сказать на англ - это для меня проблема:(
Я так понимаю в этой теме предлагают оющтся на инглише?) Придумайте анкету, состоящую из вопросов на инглише:) Пусть желающие ответят, а там глядишь, может и завяжется разговор.
Кстати, давайте исправлять друг друга, елси кто напишет неправильно, предлагать свои варианты, но ткоа эти места выделять другим цветом:) надеюсь меня поняли и прмут к сведению мое желание:)
Я так понимаю в этой теме предлагают оющтся на инглише?) Придумайте анкету, состоящую из вопросов на инглише:) Пусть желающие ответят, а там глядишь, может и завяжется разговор.
Кстати, давайте исправлять друг друга, елси кто напишет неправильно, предлагать свои варианты, но ткоа эти места выделять другим цветом:) надеюсь меня поняли и прмут к сведению мое желание:)

2/10/2007, 11:54:33 AM
Hello everubody:) I like english:) but i speak english very bed:(
Короче давайте обчатся) и про анкету согласна)
Короче давайте обчатся) и про анкету согласна)

2/10/2007, 12:13:55 PM
Драсти. Переводчик с пятилетним неофициальным и трехлетним официальным стажем.

2/10/2007, 12:41:23 PM
I use English for my work. And HERE we have a special topic...... but very few of us can write English well.
So I'll be glad if I can be useful here.
Glad to meet everyone
See you, have nice weekend
I use English for my work. And HERE we have a special topic...... but very few of us can write English well.
So I'll be glad if I can be useful here.
Glad to meet everyone

See you, have nice weekend

Крошка Рю
2/10/2007, 1:34:01 PM
I don't speak English. I understand it very well, but speaking is a hard task in any language. Speak and it will be spoken.

2/10/2007, 1:35:48 PM
Hello to all,
I like English becouse it is very useful for me.My level is Intermediat.
More over is study Spanish and Turkish.
I like English becouse it is very useful for me.My level is Intermediat.
More over is study Spanish and Turkish.

2/10/2007, 1:50:07 PM
Oh, it`s a great idea!
I didn`t have practice for about two years, because my learning english in university ended.
but i`d love to talk on it more =)
I didn`t have practice for about two years, because my learning english in university ended.
but i`d love to talk on it more =)

2/10/2007, 1:50:57 PM
Hi,peoples! I speak English. I has big practical in work of amateur radiostation on shot wave band. Using call-sign before UV3QFY, after RX3QFY, but now station is close: home problems. My resume by language: practical language like different before literature language.

2/10/2007, 2:52:09 PM
Hi, I adore English, it is the only thing I can do. I am a teacher by my profession, and now i am getting the education of an interpreter. Would love to chat.

2/10/2007, 3:18:00 PM
oh, nice idea)
Good day to everybody!
I think the conversation would be interesting) My level of English is: Gold Profficiency. I've been studying english for 12 years and this year is my last course. in a few months I'm gonna pass the CPE or IELDS exam, 'cause I'm gonna study in Great Britain.
I think a topic of discussing the foreign literature, especially english or american, could be interesting.
I will monitor this part of forum in order not to miss something useful or interesting for me)
Good day to everybody!
I think the conversation would be interesting) My level of English is: Gold Profficiency. I've been studying english for 12 years and this year is my last course. in a few months I'm gonna pass the CPE or IELDS exam, 'cause I'm gonna study in Great Britain.
I think a topic of discussing the foreign literature, especially english or american, could be interesting.
I will monitor this part of forum in order not to miss something useful or interesting for me)

2/10/2007, 3:59:34 PM
So.. what`s the topic?

Tata Fox
2/10/2007, 4:59:46 PM
I lean it now, but don`t think I know english rather well.
Have ever listen anything about Метод Ильи Франка. Have anybody learn english by this method?
Have ever listen anything about Метод Ильи Франка. Have anybody learn english by this method?

2/10/2007, 6:33:02 PM
(Tata Fox @ 10.02.2007 - время: 13:59) I lean it now, but don`t think I know english rather well.
Have ever listen anything about Метод Ильи Франка. Have anybody learn english by this method?
Hi! Sorry, but I don`t know this method. I just trying to feel English languge and It`s very fun, I like It! =)
Hello! My name is Misha, I`m from Vladivostok... Stop! I hate f* topics. But I love to talk in English with foreigners or tourists from any corners of our great world. And I have honor to say that I lived in some english famylies two times when I was in England, but I know It`s not strange for all you... =) Yee... Now my English is medical English, factically its my profession, I mean medicine. But medical English is so cool I like it more than usual english, but I`m real delettante in it... =)))
Wow! Now I just maked f* mini topic...
How I did it?!
Well, author please take from me my shy RESPECT!
Idea is really great!
P.S. I was used electronic dictionary just for one word It was dilettante...
P.S.S. I hate american dialect and sorry for mistakes...
Have ever listen anything about Метод Ильи Франка. Have anybody learn english by this method?
Hi! Sorry, but I don`t know this method. I just trying to feel English languge and It`s very fun, I like It! =)
Hello! My name is Misha, I`m from Vladivostok... Stop! I hate f* topics. But I love to talk in English with foreigners or tourists from any corners of our great world. And I have honor to say that I lived in some english famylies two times when I was in England, but I know It`s not strange for all you... =) Yee... Now my English is medical English, factically its my profession, I mean medicine. But medical English is so cool I like it more than usual english, but I`m real delettante in it... =)))
Wow! Now I just maked f* mini topic...

Well, author please take from me my shy RESPECT!

P.S. I was used electronic dictionary just for one word It was dilettante...

P.S.S. I hate american dialect and sorry for mistakes...

2/10/2007, 7:05:22 PM
People! Friends! Colleagues! Who can help me in translation of texts of biological theme from Russian into English just for own interest? Help me in this work, please! I'll answer you in PM.

2/11/2007, 6:33:08 AM
(Энтони @ 10.02.2007 - время: 16:05) People! Friends! Colleagues! Who can help me in translation of texts of biological theme from Russian into English just for own interest? Help me in this work, please! I'll answer you in PM.
Hi Entoni, I think I can help you with it. You may to write me to PM...
Hi Entoni, I think I can help you with it. You may to write me to PM...

2/11/2007, 2:14:30 PM
oh, I forgot introduce myself! =) I'm Kate and Im from Irlutsk (the ciry near lake Baikal). I very very wanna learn english excelent!
Somebody spoke about Frank's method. What is it?
(надеюсь без ошибок написала).
Somebody spoke about Frank's method. What is it?
(надеюсь без ошибок написала).

2/11/2007, 7:20:41 PM
(KateTour @ 11.02.2007 - время: 11:14) oh, I forgot introduce myself! =) I'm Kate and Im from Irlutsk (the ciry near lake Baikal). I very very wanna learn english excelent!
Somebody spoke about Frank's method. What is it?
(надеюсь без ошибок написала).
I think this is a method of express learning English language. I don`t belive in it...
Guys! I have some idea about some contest...
Maybe we`ll organized a contest for a more interest topic in English? A theme of topic is any...
What do you think about it?
Somebody spoke about Frank's method. What is it?
(надеюсь без ошибок написала).
I think this is a method of express learning English language. I don`t belive in it...
Guys! I have some idea about some contest...

What do you think about it?