Сквизинг ball squeeze

Format C
10/14/2013, 7:34:21 PM
Охотно объясню другими словами:

Вы, наверно, знаете что такое "дать сопернику фору"?
Обычно ее дают заведомо слабому сопернику.
Но можно дать ТАКУЮ фору, что соперник окажется на голову сильнее и начнет тебя садировать!

Вы, наверно, знаете что такое "грязные приемы" в борьбе?
Это приемы, которые считаются неспортивными, и часто запрещенными.
Хватание за яйца - один из таких приемов!
С точки зрения садо-мазо, очень возбудительно попросить соперницу делать его и, одновременно, ограничить себя по максимуму в самообороне.

Такая вот разновидность тематической борьбы, которая очень популярна в видео-клипах (у меня их много - есть посерьезнее выложенных) и, помнится, выкладывал в одной теме фоты реально-практикующих домин.
10/14/2013, 8:33:00 PM
Если фора в ограничении самообороны, то как Вы себя ограничиваете? Если только волевым усилием, то дама, действительно, рискует...
Format C
10/14/2013, 8:57:25 PM
в борьбе (в отличии от драки) определены правила, нарушение которых есть моветон.
Хотя, конечно, всегда есть риск, что противник не сдержится и нарушит эти правила.

Но, думаю, в тематической борьбе нарушение правил есть еще больший моветон
к тому же, мазохист испытывает к сопернице большее УВАЖЕНИЕ, чем борцы в спорте.
Я, например, мыслю только бережное отношение к парнерше.
Как в этом клипе:
(показателен фрагмент: 1 мин. 00 сек - 1 мин 45 сек)

И, конечно, если нет доверия - лучше и не начинать.

10/14/2013, 9:36:44 PM
А в чем борьба-то? Вас мучают, ну, положим, Вы подергаетесь, поорете. Или Вы вырываетесь и убегаете, нужно отлавливать и в бараний рог скручивать?
10/14/2013, 9:40:49 PM
Да и потом, правила правилами, но долбанные рефлексы...
Что с рефлекторными подергиваниями делать? Ведь мало не покажется.
King Candy
10/14/2013, 10:12:42 PM
(Катяриус @ 14.10.2013 - время: 18:36)
Вас мучают, ну, положим, Вы подергаетесь, поорете. Или Вы вырываетесь и убегаете, нужно отлавливать и в бараний рог скручивать?

В наручниках и ножных цепях далеко не убежит )))
10/14/2013, 10:21:24 PM
(Катяриус @ 14.10.2013 - время: 17:40)
Да и потом, правила правилами, но долбанные рефлексы...
Что с рефлекторными подергиваниями делать? Ведь мало не покажется.

Так вот и я про технику безопастности, а мне втирают про "врожденный интерес". Особенно если чел единоборствами какими нито занимался, почувствовал "Аут" и на звук с разворота.
Format C
10/14/2013, 10:24:34 PM
Скажем, левая рука у меня слабее правой и не слишком ловкая -
Вот, только левой и разрешено защищаться, могу взять парнершу за запястье, огда она атакует и отвемти ее руку.
А поскольку она может действовать обеими руками, то защититься все равно затруднительно.
Тем не менее, некоторое подобие борьбы, а не просто пытки, возникнет.
+ мне разрешены увертывания, повороты, уходы в сторону.

А можно, как сказал Naruchniki, сразу ограничить мои движения веревками или цепями.

Насчет рефлексов типа непроизвольного удара в лоб парнерше с разворота -
Тут, знаете, в теории можно и после сессии навтыкать.
Однако ж не принято, и не замечено на практике такой проблемы.
10/14/2013, 10:55:35 PM
(Format C @ 14.10.2013 - время: 18:24)
Насчет рефлексов типа непроизвольного удара в лоб парнерше с разворота -
Тут, знаете, в теории можно и после сессии навтыкать.
Однако ж не принято, и не замечено на практике такой проблемы.

После сессии-это не рефлексы, это уже злой умысел. УК, знаете ли.

А на счет левой...ну, что с Вами делать, машите левой, но остальные конечности должны быть хорошо зафиксированы. И глазу приятно, и на душе спокойно.
Format C
10/14/2013, 11:03:08 PM
cори, еще два возможных варианта:

- разрешена самозащита обеими руками от двух противниц. Пока одну держу за руки, другая может любую "бяку" сделать.

- обыкновенная классическая борьба с соперницей, которая ей владеет. С запретом болевых приемов с моей стороны и разрешением (и даже пожеланием использовать!) "грязных" приемов, включая обсуждаемый, с ее стороны.
Я в классической борьбе полный "чайник" - у нее преимущество, несмотря на гораздо более легкий вес.
10/14/2013, 11:06:56 PM
(Naruchniki @ 14.10.2013 - время: 18:12)
В наручниках и ножных цепях далеко не убежит )))

Вот, я об этом! Наручники (в смысле девайс) не самоцель, а способ достижения цели.
Format C
10/14/2013, 11:44:35 PM
(Катяриус @ 14.10.2013 - время: 10:55)
А на счет левой...ну, что с Вами делать, машите левой, но остальные конечности должны быть хорошо зафиксированы. И глазу приятно, и на душе спокойно.

Так ведь мистрессы, с которыми общался, даже на левую р не согласны
Безопасность может "треснуть" с другой совсем стооны
Был случай
сидела одна у меня на плечах и накручивала соски своими когтастыми пальцами,когда я замедлялделать приседания (с нею на плечах)
На 23-м приседании повело меня в сторону
Девушка, правда, оказалась ловкая и во время спрыгнула -
На пол уронился я один.
А мог ведь и ушибить мистресс.
10/14/2013, 11:51:12 PM
(Format C @ 14.10.2013 - время: 19:44)
Безопасность может "треснуть" с другой совсем стороны
Был случай
Одна сидела у меня на плечах и накручивала соски своими когтастыми пальцами,
Когда я замедлялделать приседания (с нею на плечах)
На 23-м приседании повело меня в сторону
Девушка, правда, оказалась ловкая и во время спрыгнула -
На пол уронился я один.
А мог ведь и ушибить мистресс.

Ну так на то она и мистресс, чтобы правильно оценивать свою ловкость и прыгучесть, и брыкучесть и падучесть клиента.
10/15/2013, 1:38:24 AM
(Катяриус @ 14.10.2013 - время: 19:51)
(Format C @ 14.10.2013 - время: 19:44)
Безопасность может "треснуть" с другой совсем стороны
Был случай
Одна сидела у меня на плечах и накручивала соски своими когтастыми пальцами,
Когда я замедлялделать приседания (с нею на плечах)
На 23-м приседании повело меня в сторону
Девушка, правда, оказалась ловкая и во время спрыгнула -
На пол уронился я один.
А мог ведь и ушибить мистресс.
Ну так на то она и мистресс, чтобы правильно оценивать свою ловкость и прыгучесть, и брыкучесть и падучесть клиента.

Мистрессы есть наверное разные? Есть те которые и падают раньше, а есть и те которые сами никогда не упадут, еще и клиента за ноги потрясут.
10/15/2013, 1:56:54 AM
(Челенджер @ 14.10.2013 - время: 21:38)
Мистрессы есть наверное разные? Есть те которые и падают раньше, а есть и те которые сами никогда не упадут, еще и клиента за ноги потрясут.

Ну, что под руку попадется, за то и это самое...
Надо вертких и живучих Мистресс для таких практик находить.
10/15/2013, 2:19:50 AM
(Катяриус @ 14.10.2013 - время: 21:56)
(Челенджер @ 14.10.2013 - время: 21:38)
Мистрессы есть наверное разные? Есть те которые и падают раньше, а есть и те которые сами никогда не упадут, еще и клиента за ноги потрясут.
Ну, что под руку попадется, за то и это самое...
Надо вертких и живучих Мистресс для таких практик находить.

Ну да. Я тоже считаю, что женщин Верхних нужно холить и лелеять, размножать их только с целью увеличения популяции и никак иначе), ну и конечно спорт, никаких диванов и телевизоров)
Format C
10/15/2013, 3:46:17 AM
В обсуждаемой теме (скручивание клиента в бараний рог), особенно эффективно могут поработать теннисистки и цирковые артистки с опытом лазания по канату -
У них хорошо развиты кистевые мышцы. Цапнет так, что мало не будет
10/15/2013, 5:07:44 AM
(Format C @ 14.10.2013 - время: 23:46)
В обсуждаемой теме (скручивание клиента в бараний рог), особенно эффективно могут поработать теннисистки и цирковые артистки с опытом лазания по канату -
У них хорошо развиты кистевые мышцы. Цапнет так, что мало не будет
Безобидное вязание тоже очень развивает кисти рук. Плюс врожденный хватательный рефлекс и желание выжить и ву а ля.
Format C
10/28/2013, 7:01:10 AM
У доярок кисти рук были (когда то) в нужном направлении развиты - сейчас процесс дойки автоматизирован.
Но я хотел сказать сегодня о другом:

Попался мне случайно текст, отличающийся от привычных опусов по данной теме. Текст на английском, лежит в Интернете в одном лишь месте.
скрытый текст

The torturer and her assistant entered the soundproof chamber, and
locked the door behind them. The stone walled room was semicircular
with a concrete floor, and bright fluorescent lights were
positioned over the five cross frames. On each, a naked prisoner
was firmly bound with leather straps, and the frames were tilted at
a 45 degree angle, positioning their genitals at hand height. Each
was fitted with a large ball gag.

"My name is Wanda, and this is my assistant, Haley" the torturer

Five terrified pairs of eyes watched her as she walked slowly
around, inspecting their tightly spread out young bodies and
vulnerable sex organs.

"My job is to soften you all up by indescribable pain and agony, so
that our inquisitors can extract from you the information we want."
Wanda continued. "I am regarded as an expert in genital torture,
and my treatment will be mainly centred on your testicles. My
assistant is learning my trade, and I shall be instructing her with
the various procedures I employ. She will now inject each of you
with a special cocktail of drugs. This will give you the biggest
hard-on of your life irrespective of the agonies you will endure,
and also will prevent you from fainting from the pain."

As Haley dispensed the drugs into the prisoners' thighs, Wanda
continued to eye up the prisoners. Only she knew which man out of
the five was an intelligence officer in the enemy's land forces.
The other four knew nothing of any significance, but were there to
be treated to such terrifying mutilations, that the officer would
tell everything he knew in order to prevent getting similar
treatment. A crafty trick, but it always worked.

The other four were also chosen because of the size of their balls.
Wanda had an arrangement with a doctor in the prisoners processing
room. After each man had showered, he was inspector by the doctor,
who selected young slim smooth-skinned men with the biggest
testicles, ready for Wanda's treatment. It was just the way she
liked them.

"Oh, and there's just one more thing," Wanda said, looking around
at the men, "Both I and Haley are sadists. We thoroughly enjoy our
work. In fact, seeing a man in the throws of ball torture can give
us enormous orgasms, so the longer you hold out, the better we like

Wanda turned to Haley and said quietly "Leave number four to me,
he's special". This was the officer.

Lying on the first cross was a young man of around 20. He was slim
and tall, and because he arms were pulled out above his head on the
frame, his concave stomach was tight and his ribs showed under his
smooth skin. Wanda looked at his genitals. The doctor has chosen
well. His long slim penis was rigid with the effects of the drug,
and lay up his stomach, gently pulsing with his heartbeat, and two
enormous balls were pulling the hairless scrotum down several
inches below his legs. The humidity and heat in the chamber always
provided the loosest of sacs.
Wanda walked between his legs and lifted his heavy balls in her
hand. She was always surprised by the amazing differences in the
size of men's testicles. Most were average, some were pretty tiny,
and a very few were huge, like these. Being a devotee of ball-
busting, Wanda had read many stories on the internet. Balls were
often described as being the size of lemons, or even grapefruit. In
real life, she thought, they don't come much bigger than this -
around the size of large hens' eggs. Mind you, she could get them
to swell to grapefruit size after a good beating.

"Haley, have a look at this", Wanda said. She separated one ball
and squeezed it down to the bottom of his scrotum. The gossamer
skin was tight and shiny, and every detail of his testis showed
through. "A testicle has a sort of fibrous outer surface which has
millions of nerve endings which register two different types of
pain. The first is pressure, or simple squeezing, and the other is
impact. The art of prolonging the torture is to prevent rupture or
broken blood vessels which will cause the scrotum to fill with
liquid." She turned the ball sideways so that the plump flatter
surface was uppermost in her cupped hand. "Now most of the cords
and pipes attaching this to his body are on the top edge and away
from the area we will attack. By putting my thumb on the side of
his ball, I can press down and cause indescribably agony without
any lasting damage".

She pushed her thumb hard down into the cupped ball. His body
tautened in his bonds, and his stomach rose up corded with muscles.
From his throat behind the ball gag a high screeching sound
emanated. She continued to add pressure, and his ball noticeably
distorted, bulging out around her thumb, and flattening in the

"What's the chances of it bursting?" asked Haley.

"Minimal if you're careful. Men's testicles are amazingly tough.
Whilst it's a design fault to have such tender organs on the
outside of the body, it is tremendously handy for torturing sadists
like us. We will be busting some balls a little later in this
session. Now, you grab his other ball and squeeze it as hard as you
can - I doubt if you will be able to burst it".

Wanda let go of his scrotum and Haley pulled the other ball into
her fist and squeezed as hard a she could. The tendons on her
forearm corded out under the tension, and the prisoner's squealing
began to pulse in time with his breathing, his chest heaving with
great gasps of air. Sweat was pouring off him, and dripping onto
the floor. Wanda looked round the room. The other four we watching
with saucer eyes, also sweating in anticipation.

"I'll tell you what, Wanda" Haley said with a cute smile, "my fanny
is pretty wet!"

"So is mine" Wanda grinned, "great isn't it? Now, before we move
onto the next man, I must show you one of my special toys."

Wanda opened her sports bag and pulled out a chromium-plated

"Now this isn't an ordinary ball vice that just squeezes testicles
in increasing stages" said Wanda, showing it to her student sadist.
"They will just cause the ball to eventually rupture by flattening
it until the edges split. This has two curved cups made from thin
bars of strong vanadium steel. But see, the bars interlink and can
be screwed together so that each end of the cups move inwards as
the as the sides come together. This means that the testicle is
compressed equally in all directions and prevents it from
distorting and splitting. Thus, we can create enormous pain for
much longer, because once a ball bursts, it's pretty useless for
further torture."

Haley let the first man's scrotum drop onto his thigh, and his body
relaxed slightly as his tortured balls were given some respite.

The next man was slightly older than the first, with dirty blond
hair and a pale skinned body. A few wispy blond pubic hairs were
above his thick penis, which lay hard and heavy over his
substantial testes.

"Got to get this out of the way," said Wanda, delving into her bag
once more. "You can either use duct tape or super glue - I prefer
super glue".

With that, she uncapped the bottle, and ran a thin line of glue
along the top of his shaft, leaving the head of his penis free of
glue. Taking the warm plump spongy glans in her hand, she pulled
his cock up his belly and pushed it firmly down onto his smooth
skin. She held it for a moment, whilst the glue set. When she
lifted her hand, his cock was firmly stuck to his tummy, the head
of his penis some three inches above his navel. The taught skin of
his cock had lifted his huge balls up at an even more vulnerable
angle. 'Well done, Doc', thought Wanda, appreciating the sight of
his large ovals of firm meaty testicles.

Opening the ball vice, she carefully inserted his left testicle and
manoeuvred it around to ensure the blood vessels would not be
trapped by the mechanism, causing the ball to die prematurely. She
pulled the two cups together, inserted the Allen key and began to
wind the halves closer. The man looked down over his body and
watched in increasing terror. Soon, the pressure built to a point
where his breathing became laboured, and his eyes began to run with
tears. He made very little noise as she continued to turn the key,
but his body began to rise from the frame until he was straining at
the leather belts. Gradually, the firm wall of his testicle began
to increase the pressure within the organ, and the fleshy walls
started to ooze between the bars of the vice. From his throat, a
desperate gurgling was mixed with his frantic breathing.

"Watch the end of his cock," said Wanda to Haley.

Another turn on the key produced a small globule of semen. Wanda
made two further turns, the walls of his ball where compressing the
inside material to a third of it's normal size. Suddenly, a large
very thick squirt of semen was released, almost the consistency of

"Christ, that's the thickest cum I've ever seen" exclaimed Haley,
dipping in her finger, and tasting it.

"Squeezed right from the ball, my dear, without being diluted with
emissions from the prostate" replied Wanda. "It will taste smooth
and creamy without the bitterness of ordinary ejaculate. This ball
is about to go, watch".

Haley couldn't believe how small the huge testicle had become in
the ball vice. Although a good deal of meat was being squeezed
through the bars, it looked half the size of the right ball laying
heavily to one side. Wanda tightened the Allen key again. The man
rose even higher in his agony, his throat behind the gag groaning
deeply. Then there was an audible crunching noise from the ball
vice as the contents of the gland was squeezed forcibly into the
cords, the walls of his testicle collapsed and the pulverised meat
squeezed out through the bars into his scrotum. The man grunted,
his breath exploding from his nose, and despite the drugs, he lost

"Shit" panted Haley, "I've just come"

"I'm not far off" replied Wanda, "let's try number three".

This man was next to the officer, and Wanda wanted this to really
effect his decision when asked to disclose his secrets.

Although his balls were not quite as large as the previous victims,
they were in a voluminous ball bag and hung tantalisingly low.
Wanda lifted his sac, pulled both testicles down into the bottom of
the bag, and squeezed the loose skin of his scrotum in her fist.
The balls gave an impression of a miniature bottom in their shiny
tight bag. Wanda balled her other fist and smashed it into his
testicles. The crack of skin on skin made the other men watch
fearfully. Then she hit again and again - twenty times in all. The
man had not made a sound, but his face had gone purple, and he
appeared to be holding his breath. Suddenly, he vomited around his
ball gag, and it splashed down on his chest.

"That's loosened them up a bit" said Wanda, "now let's see how long
we can stretch them before they tear out of his body. Wrenching the
cords of a man's balls is another way or increasing the agony of
his already aching nuts."

She took a leather parachute harness from her bag, fitted it over
his swelling balls, and connected a thin white rope to the harness.
Above the cross frame was a rail with various pulleys, chains and
ropes. She connected the thin rope to a pulley, and went to the
wall, where a crank handle was attached to the other end. After
taking up the slack, she turned the ratchet handle several clicks.
The skin of his scrotum began to stretch upwards, and his body rose
slightly to compensate. However, his binding prevented further
movement, and as she clicked further, his skin continued to stretch
until it was as tight as a guitar string. The man was screaming
behind his gag, water pouring from his eyes.

"We'll leave them to stretch out nicely, whilst I change my wet
knickers" Wanda said. "Then I'll show you how to insert my special
needles. Turning to the prisoners she said "back shortly, don't go

The two girls left the chamber, and as they closed the door, the
piteous groaning of their first three victims was cut off.

Wanda and Haley returned to the torture chamber 45 minutes later.
The heat had increased, and both wore tight leather bikini tops and
loose diaphanous skirts. Both had decided to abandon knickers to
provide full access to each other's bodies as their passions became
aroused during their torturing.

Wanda's lean leggy body, bronzed by the sun, looked magnificent -
her firm high breasts thrust upward by her bikini bra, her nipples
erect under the soft leather. Haley's long blond hair was damp with
exertion, her slim body shiny with perspiration, and her cleavage
glistened under the bright lights. During their break, both girls
had spent most of the time writhing passionately together on the
bed in Wanda's workshop, bringing each other to multiple orgasms.

"Right" said Wanda, "two more to get started on, but first, let's
check on the others".
They both moved towards the first prisoner whose testicles had
swollen to twice their normal size since their earlier brutal
squeezing. Although he had stopped groaning, sweat was still
dripping from his body, and his terrified eyes followed them as
they moved between his legs. Wanda lifted his balls and squeezed
them down to the bottom of his scrotum. The other prisoners watched
in dreaded anticipation.

"This is what I call my 'twister'" said Wanda with a grin, "a
lovely way to neuter a man. Five turns should do it."

Pulling his testicles away from his body, she turned them 180
degrees. Holding them in position with her left hand, her right
hand twisted them another half turn. At three turns, his scrotal
skin above his balls began to resemble a pink rope. His stomach had
lifted and he began to squeak behind his gag. At three and a half
turns, his eyes were tight shut, and his body began to shake. At
four turns, he became rigid and silent in his incredible agony. The
prisoner now realised that his manhood would not survive this

"Now it gets difficult," said Wanda, trying to avoid letting his
balls unwind. "You have to use all your strength to get them to
five turns."

She now used both hands to wrench his testicles around. Swollen
from their previous treatment, they looked enormous under the tight
shiny skin of his sac. As Wanda applied even more pressure, the
skin just below his cock, now reduced to the thickness of a pencil,
tore open exposing the twisted cords and veins. This made it easier
for Wanda to continue her twisting, and she made two more complete
turns, and as Haley looked on in awe, she saw the cords tighten
down to almost nothing before rending apart with an audible snap.
In Wanda's hand were the man's testicles, and she placed them on
his chest. His eyes opened, focused on his balls, then uptilted
showing the whites, and he passed into unconsciousness.

"Jesus," said Haley, "I've just come again."

"And me" said Wanda.

Taking some stainless steel instruments from her bag, Wanda applied
surgical clamps to the blood vessels between his legs, and stanched
the main bleeding.

"He'll keep until we finished with the others," said Wanda, moving
on to the second prisoner.
The second prisoner's scrotum was swollen and shiny. Blood and
bodily fluids surrounded his crushed ball. As they approached the
man was frantically shaking his head in a silent plea.

"As I said earlier, Haley", instructed Wanda, "once you've burst a
ball, it makes the bag swell and the intact one is difficult to
torture. To overcome this, you hold the complete scrotum in both
hands like this, and squeeze together as though you are praying.
The fluids in the bag will slowly travel back up into his body.
Now, you remember I said it is difficult to bust a ball by
squeezing alone. Let me show you how you can do it."

The man's scrotum had deflated after Wanda's prayer squeeze, and
his intact testicle showed plump and rounded through the mush of
his crushed nut. Wanda interlinked here fingers to form a large
cup, pushed his remaining testicle down onto her fingers, and
placed her two thumbs together with her thumbnails adjacent and
pointing into the middle of the organ.

"All you do is push your thumbnails down hard into the middle of
his ball meat and you will feel the wall begin to distort. Keep
pushing downwards as hard as you can, and when you feel your nails
penetrate and rupture the wall, pull you thumbs apart to rip open
the flesh. Your nails should be blunt otherwise there is a danger
of tearing the ball bag."

The prisoner began to make a strangled gurgling noise, and semen
tinged with blood began to seep from the eye of his cock. Haley
watched Wanda's thumbs sink deeply into the bulging testicle, and
then she saw her pull her thumbs slowly apart. Both heard a wet
tearing sound as the fibrous wall of the gland tore open and the
compressed contents squelched into the sac. Her thumbs now sank
almost completely through the ball as she wrenched it into two
halves. Haley was amazed that the scrotal skin had not torn.

Wanda took a metal clamp from her bag and fastened it tightly to
the top of his scrotum.

"That'll stop him from internal bleeding until we have finished
here," she said, as she turned to the third man.

This man's torment had not diminished at all during the girls'
break, as the tension on his scrotum had remained almost constant.
He was moaning gently, and dripping with perspiration.

"Now Haley, see how his ball bag has stretched." Wanda flicked the
taught skin with her fingers. "The skin round a man's balls is
amazingly strong and elastic when you consider how thin it is.
Whilst we've been playing with the others, his balls have been
pulled another six inches from his body. Feel the pipes inside the
neck - tight as bow strings".

Haley used her fingers to flatten out the taught skin, allowing the
various veins and cords to show through.

"I'm amazed how many pipes and stuff there is connecting a man's
nuts" said Haley, twanging the cords like a harpist.

Wanda went to the ratchet handle and clicked it four times. The
prisoner's moaning turned to a long screech as the tension
increased and the skin of his scrotum thinned under the pressure.
Below the parachute ball harness his huge bright red testicles were
straining the scrotal skin to its limit.

"We should be able to get them stretched to over a foot before
we're finished" Wanda grinned at Haley. "Let's get stuck into the
last two".

Wanda, or course, knew that this next man was the captured enemy
intelligence officer. The whole of the preceding torture session
was for his benefit - to scare the man witless that he would be
mutilated and emasculated like the others. Wanda had strict orders
that the torture session would leave no marks, swellings or
permanent damage that could be detected by an enemy doctor. After
they had extracted all the information from him, the Mind Control
Department would program his brain so that he could return to his
unit, telling them that he had hidden to prevent capture. The enemy
would check his health and look for any signs that he had been in
the hands of the opposition. Once he was cleared, his spying
activities could commence.
Her job now was to give the most agonising pain and terror without
leaving a mark. Following his torture, he would be left to recover
for a day, before being taken to the intelligence block. Such would
be his dread of ever returning for another session, that he would
almost certainly reveal all the information they wanted without
resorting to further pain. Haley was too inexperienced at this
stage to be let into these secret strategies, so Wanda needed to be
a little inventive.

"To further your education in the art of torture," Wanda announced
to Haley, "I need to show you genital electro-torture. To me, this
is the most boring type of activity, because, as you know, I'm a
hands-on touchy-feely girl. Zapping a guys balls with electricity
means you can't touch him during the process. And you know me,
there is nothing in the world like lifting and feeling a man's
heavy warm testicles, gently rolling the tender orbs around his
sac, then squeezing, pulling twisting and punching. Seeing a
healthy strong male soldier who has be trained into a killing
machine, lying spread-eagled in front of you, and brought to a
squealing terrified shadow of a man who will grovel and do
absolutely anything if only you'd let go of his balls. That's what
gets me off, not sitting behind a black box twiddling knobs."

She walked over to the corner of the chamber and wheeled back a
metal trolley. On the top were several boxes, connectors and wires,
together with clamps, probes and catheters. She began to assemble
various connectors, laying them out over the prisoner's legs as she
untangled the cables.

"In their wisdom," Wanda continued, "our masters sometimes insist
that after a session on certain prisoners, there should be
absolutely no evidence that he has been tortured. You will learn
later on in your training why there is sometimes the need for this
requirement. For the time being, I will demonstrate on this fellow
and show you how enormous agony can be applied without leaving a
trace. Even a slight ball squeezing can cause them to swell, so we
have to be very careful."

Wanda opened a small plastic box. Inside there were rows of very
thin needles in various lengths lying in slots.

"Fine needles have been used for years in ball torture," said
Wanda, looking into the prisoner's increasingly widening eyes. "You
can push them right through a testicle, and they cause a
considerable amount of pain, but the beauty is that if the needles
are thin enough, the balls heal up in a day or two, and no evidence
is left. However, the pain is rather limited, as the needle only
penetrates one or two nerve endings at a time, so to provide a
decent amount of agony, you need to insert fifty or so to each
ball. This is time consuming, especially as you have to pull them
all out again fairly quickly, as the pain wears off. But these
particular needles are my own invention and they are now being used
around the world. I developed these in my workshop last winter for
use with electro-torture."

She picked one out of the box. It was around 3 inches long with
sliver points at each end, and two grey bands along its length,
with a small silver section in the middle.
Wanda held it up to Haley's eyes.

"See those grey areas? That is insulation. Only the ends and the
middle can conduct electricity. Now the trouble with conventional
electro-torture is that the application of electricity to the skin
leaves tiny burn marks that can take ages to fade. Crude devises
like cattle prods can actually damage the scrotal skin permanently.
Now with these needles, we can apply the electricity right in the
middle of the testicle - its absolutely foolproof, because no
doctor inspecting a returned soldier is going to split his ball
open to check for burns!"

Wanda lifted the prisoner's scrotum, squeezed down the testicles
tightly, and placed the needle against the oval end of his left
ball. Using some surgical pliers, she pushed the needle into the
heart of the organ. There was an explosion of air from the
prisoner's lungs and then a muted scream behind the ball gag. She
continued to push until the needle emerged from the other end of
his testicle, and she manoeuvred it so that insulated part of the
shaft showed at both ends.

"Fuck me, I've just come again," said Haley. "That was awesome to
see it travel right through and out the other side."

"You do the other one," instructed Wanda, handing her a needle and
the pliers. "You need to push fairly hard to break through the
walls of his ball."

The man's stomach had arched up and remained corded with tension as
Haley inserted the needle into his right testicle. Again he
screamed as the needle penetrated the sensitive organ, but within a
few seconds, his stomach relaxed and he dropped back onto the frame.

"See how quickly the pain wears off?" said Wanda. "That's why in
the old days they had to insert so many. Now, because we cannot
leave any marks, we need to ensure that his balls will be as tender
as possible without any swelling. When are a man's balls at their
most tender, Haley?"

"I suppose after he has just cum" replied Haley.

"Absolutely right, sweetheart" grinned Wanda, "and boy, is this
baby going to cum."

She now started to connect the cables. A small steel probe was
carefully pushed up his anus so that the tip lay alongside his
prostate gland. Duct tape was used to hold the cable in position.
She then lifted his rigid penis, still turgid and straining from
the drugs administered earlier. Pulling his foreskin down hard, she
fitted a thin insulated ring with a small gold pad, just below his
corona so that the contact rested on the most sensitive area of his
glans. Next, she fitted miniature gold crocodile clips to the end
of each needle through his testicles. Lastly, she placed a metal
strap over one of his big toes. Then she took a sheet of bubble
wrap and placed it under his genitals and around the sides against
his thighs. She then placed a smaller piece under his penis, where
it lay on his tummy.

"What are those for?" asked Haley.

"This insulates his balls from his thighs," said Wanda, pointing
between his legs, "and the bit below his cock stops it shorting out
on his belly. We want the electricity to travel from the centre of
his balls, up through his connecting cords to the base of his cock,
and then down the length of his shaft to his cock head. The one up
his backside is to empty his balls of cum, and that makes a circuit
with his toe. We don't want him screaming with ball agony when we
drain them dry, otherwise he will not be able to cum properly."

She fitted the other ends of the cables into sockets on the rear of
the controller on the trolley, and plugged in the main cord to the
wall socket.

"There's been a lot of research done on this milking technique"
stated Wanda. "I just follow the instructions because all the
controls are in a computer chip in this box. Basically, it
stimulates his sexual organs and simulates the electrical impulses
that happen when a man has an orgasm. So there's no rubbing or
friction, the signals are transmitted straight into the prostate
gland and the nervous system takes over and switches on a full
orgasm. The only thing is, it doesn't stop after a few seconds, as
in real life. It just keeps relentlessly telling the body to
continue to ejaculate. After five minutes of this, there will not
be a drop of cum left in the guy, and his balls will be incredibly
sensitive, just ready for our electrical games. Right, watch this."

The prisoner had been lifting his head a fraction so that he could
watch the preparations. All the other prisoners watched in dreaded
fascination as Wanda stood by the trolley. Even the guy with his
balls on his chest had recovered enough to turn his head and watch.

Wanda switched on the milking program. There was a click, and a
slight hum, and the prisoner's face relaxed a little as the
electronics induced a pleasurable feeling in his genitals. Wanda
lifted his rigid cock and pointed it at the ceiling. It pulsed in
her hand with his rapidly increasingly heartbeat. Both girls
watched the eye of his cock, as his stomach began to tension, and
his toes began to curl. A crystal clear drop of lubricating fluid
appeared on the top of his glans. Wanda felt the thick penis swell
in her hand, as the glans turned from red to purple and the corona
of his cockhead protruded magnificently over the shaft. Then he
came. The first thick jets of cum shot into the air and fell back
over Wanda's arm and hand. He came with such ferocity, it was
actually audible. Both girls looked in amazement as his semen left
his cock with such force they could hear each long rope of cum
squirt from his pumping flesh, followed by a wet splat as it fell
onto his chest. Wanda looked at the man's face. At the beginning of
his orgasm, his face was relaxed and even had a hint of a smile.
Now it was starting to look increasingly pained. The first fifteen
ejaculatory pulses had been the most erotic and intense feelings
that the man had ever experienced. The electricity still flowed,
and his body continued to strain and pump, the squirts were
reducing now, only lifting an inch or two above his cockhead. Now
it began to hurt. His breathing became laboured, and he began to
moan as the stimulation continued. Wanda still held his penis
upright, and both girls watched as the ejaculate slowed and became
more watery. However, it hadn't stopped yet. Now his fluids were
just pumping gently out of his slit and running over Wanda's hand
into his pubic hair. His head started to shake from side to side,
and behind his gag, Haley thought he was screaming 'turn it off'.

"Another minute to go," said Wanda. "It turns off automatically.
Then we will clean him up, and start the serious zapping of his
tenderised nuts."

Haley scooped up some of the prisoner's cum from his chest and
licked her fingers.

"Why not lick it all up?" said Wanda, pulling a face.

"Oh, I love the stuff, but only straight from a man's dick. I don't
like it when it gets cold" she said to Wanda, grinning impishly.

The man was beginning to squeal as the machine finished it's five-
minute cycle. His cock, still as rigid as ever, finally ceased to
leak further fluids, but the meatus continued to pulse with a
simulated orgasm, and the eye of his cock gaped widely with each
empty pumping motion. Then the device clicked off.

"The towels are in the corner, Haley," said Wanda, pointing. "Chuck
me one, and use one to wipe the man down. I want him nice and dry
for the electrics," she said, wiping the thick ropes of semen from
her arms and hands. "But first, let's have a swift cup of coffee
and an orgasm, and we can continue here in five minutes."

She turned to the handle on the wall and clicked the ratchet three
more clicks. The ball stretched man gurgled deeply behind his gag
as his testicles were now the furthest from his body than they had
ever been in his life. Stretching out almost 14 inches, the skin
of his scrotum could take no more. Over his taut balls, below the
harness, the gossamer skin of his sac parted, and below that, the
inside membrane peeled open, exposing his massive testicles. The
skin began to slide back until it met the friction of the leather
parachute harness. Nevertheless, it slowly withdrew under the
leather until it reached the top of the harness, and then sprang
back like a rubber band, slapping into the base of his cock. All
his multiplicity of cords and tubes were now exposed, and relieved
of their protection of the scrotal skin, now stretched out even
further with the tension of the elastic rope. Both girls watched
with fascination, as the cords became impossibly thin. Then one
broke, snapping back in each direction, then another, and another,
speeding up as all the tension was transferred to the remaining
cords. Finally, with an audible snap, the final cord separated,
and the rope flicked his heavy balls out of their harness and into
the air, before they dropped back with a meaty thud onto the
concrete floor. Wanda retrieved them and placed them on his chest,
then clamped off the blood vessels still dangling from his body.

“Wow!” said Haley, obviously impressed.

Wanda then turned to the fifth prisoner who so far had remained

"I'm sorry sweetie, have we been ignoring you?" she smiled. "I
know, here's something to be getting on with whilst we take a quick

She picked up a syringe from the bottom shelf of the trolley,
lifted it to eye level and squirted a little red liquid from the
needle. She then lifted the man's scrotum and stuck the needle into
his ball bag, and squeezed in a tablespoonful of the liquid in the
syringe. She then took hold of his scrotum and squished his
testicles about ensuring an even coating of the injected fluid
covered the entire contents.

The man's eyes opened widely, in disbelief and outrage. Then his
chest rose as he took an enormous intake of breath before it
exploded from his nose with a stifled bloodcurdling scream that
penetrated his ball gag.

As the girls left the chamber, the prisoner's screeching was cut
off as the heavy door clanged shut.

"What was in that syringe?" asked Haley.

"Tabasco" said Wanda.

The girls returned to the torture chamber dressed in white lab
coats. When Haley had questioned this, Wanda winked at her and said
that they may have visitors a little later. Their slim nubile
bodies rubbed against the thin material, whilst their full breasts
strained the top buttons, each exposing a hint of sweaty cleavage.

"Right", said Wanda, "lets get number four switched on".

She disconnected the milking electrodes from his anus and big toe
and checked that the needles through his testicles were in the
correct position for the electro-torture.

"Haley, will you please remove his ball gag?" asked Wanda.

Haley began to undo the straps around his head. "Won't her scream
the place down?" she asked.

"He'll be too busy just trying to breath!" Wanda replied. "Now, I'm
going to start the ten minute torture sequence, and then I'll
explain what's happening."

She threw some switches, turned a knob, and instantly the man's
breathing stopped, his body arched so that only the back of his
head and his heels where touching the cross frame. He made
absolutely no sound for ten seconds, but his whole torso shimmered
as the electricity coursed through his most vulnerable organs. The
machine then switched off, his body collapsed back onto the frame,
and he resumed his breathing in great panting gasps, like a man
surfacing from the sea.

"Christ!" exclaimed Haley, "that looks as though it hurts".

"Evidently it hurts more than anything we can physically do to him"
explained Wanda. "When we squeeze, pull, twist and smash his balls,
we are making the nerve endings in his groin send messages to his
brain that they are under attack, and the brain then turns on the
excruciating pain."

The machine switched on again, his body arched as before and his
breath was held, this time, for twenty seconds.

"Whilst this is boring for us sadists to administer," Wanda
continued, "what actually happens is this. The machine sends out
various pulses between ten seconds and 45 seconds at predetermined
levels between 350 and 750 volts. The current runs into the
insulated needles, and is released right in the centre of each
testicle. As it radiates in every direction to the outer walls of
his balls, it hits every possible nerve ending at once, with the
highest level pain factor you can imagine. It then passes up his
sensitive cords, into the base of his cock and up the shaft to the
frenum. All these areas are absolutely laden with nerve endings, so
the pain is unimaginably excruciating, so much so, that it prevents
the victim from breathing. Therefore, the program in the chip
spaces out the pulses to allow him to breath, and gradually
increases the voltage as the body begins to adjust to the pain."

Whilst she had been relating these details, the machine had
continued to zap the prisoner with measured doses. Between two
pulses, relieved of his ball gag so that he could breath, the man
gasped "Christ, no more please, I'll do anything, it's killing me
...ack...". Up came his body as the current crashed back in.

"So," Wanda concluded, "basically, this is the ultimate pain maker.
It can be used by torturers that don't get turned on like we do,
and it leaves no marks or damage. However, it can cause madness in
the prisoners. Years ago, they used those old telephones which you
wound the handle on the side, to torture prisoners genitals in
several jails. Sometimes they gave them what was called 'long
distance' calls, and quite a few victims went permanently mad. So,
this is set at ten minutes and is scientifically programmed to
prevent blowing the man's mind."

Haley appeared to have lost interest in Wanda's explanations, and
had been furtively looking at the fifth man. He was a slim blond
youth in his late teens, with an almost effeminate face and
hairless body, but blessed with enormous genitalia that any fully-
grown man would envy. Haley though he was 'sweet and cute', and as
her face softened with her thoughts, Wanda saw her expression, and
looked at her quizzically.

"Why are you ogling Mr Spicy Meatballs, Haley?" she asked,
referring to his Tabasco'd balls that were still burning from the
chilli sauce.

"Well," Haley replied, rather guiltily, "I'm assuming that we are
going to emasculate him like the others, and, well, he's only a kid
and really rather gorgeous, and it seems such a waste to ruin such
a massive cock and a pair of balls before he's had time to get much
use out of them. They appear so pink and unused."

Wanda looked at her crossly.

"Look Haley," she snapped, "that guy was one of several soldiers
who went into one of our villages, killed the boys and old men,
raped the women, and did unspeakable things to the children in
front of their parents. They did things that even animals wouldn't
do to their own kind. They then got drunk from looted liquor,
collapsed, and our boys were able to capture the lot of them.
You've got a lot to learn, Haley, but nobody who enters this
chamber is an innocent little boy. I take my job seriously. That's
why I patch my victims up after a session to prevent them dying in
here, and I ship them off to the hospital wing to get them stitched
up. I am a torturer, not an assassin. I don't murder these
prisoners like they murdered our people. After treatment to heal
their wounds, I want them back in the prisoner-of-war camps. The
other prisoners see their ruined manhoods and learn about the
agonising tortures we perform. This keeps them compliant and well-
behaved to avoid getting similar treatment. It also leaks out to
enemy forces and they know what to expect if they are caught
committing savage acts. If my activities here prevent just one
atrocity to our people, my job is fully justified."

"Er, fine," said Haley, somewhat taken aback by the tirade of
justification. "But can I ask a favour?"

Her sweet elfin face melted Wanda's hard resolve. "Try me", she

"Well," said Haley, "whilst your finishing off Mr Electroballs,
could I connect up the milking wires and give Spicy Meat Balls here
his last orgasm of all time? You know I'm partial to man cream, and
I feel in the need of a protein drink."

"You're a bloody cum junky!" Wanda retorted. "Yes, go on, you know
how to connect it up."

Haley smiled her thanks. She inserted the metal probe into his
backside, fitted the connector to his big toe and indicated to
Wanda to switch on. The machine hummed and Haley lifted his long
thick penis and took the fat flared cock-head into her warm mouth.
Using long slow strokes, she began to slide her mouth up and down
his turgid penis. Wanda was impressed with how much of his long
cock Haley could take into her delicate little mouth and throat,
and judging by the look on the prisoner's face, so was he.

With Haley’s ministrations and the effects of the milking machine,
it took no time at all to induce an orgasm into a youth in his
prime of sexual life. His stomach tautened, his testicles moved up
tightly under his cock, and his toes curled. His whole body
strained and the semen raced through his long penis, as Haley's
mouth moved deeply down on his shaft. With several inches of rigid
man flesh deep in her mouth, Haley was taken by surprise with the
enormous first ejaculation of cum that burst into her throat. With
her eyes like saucers with amazement, two copious jets of semen
squirted from her nostrils onto the mat of blond hair at the base
of his spasming cock. She moved quickly up his shaft, and clamped
her lips tightly round the ridge of his corona as his body
continued to pump huge ropes of thick sperm into her mouth. She
held her lips there for a full minute, swallowing frequently,
before releasing his still pulsing organ. It flopped back onto his
tummy, jetting small dollops of almost colourless ejaculate, as the
milking machine drained him dry.

"Fucking hell!" exclaimed Haley, licking her lips and wiping her
cum drenched nose, "that was a first! Chilli flavoured cum! That
Tabasco marinade worked a treat!"

"Right, disconnect him," said Wanda, grinning at her. "I'm finished
here for the time being".

She looked menacingly at the officer who was still panting from his
ordeal, as she removed the various wires. Then she picked up the
pliers and pulled out the needles imbedded in his testicles. He
jumped at the sudden pain, but said nothing. Still looking him in
the eyes, she said "We'll come back to you in a minute, my friend."

She moved over to the last prisoner who was still breathing heavily
from the most explosive orgasm of his life.

"Haley, you've given him as taste of heaven, now I want you to give
him total hell and destroy those empty balls."

She released the catch on the cross frame and swung it up so that
the victim was in an upright position. His huge balls hung heavily
between his widespread thighs. She took hold of the hot fleshy cock-
head, still sticky from his ejaculation, and stretched it up over
his tummy to expose his testicles and bring them forward.

"Use your knee, Haley", she instructed, "and as hard as you
possibly can."

Haley pulled up her lab coat to bare her leg, and with a force
unexpected in one so feminine and delicate, she delivered a
frightening slam into his testicles. The impact of flesh against
flesh made a hearty crack, as her bony knee crashed into his
sensitive organs. He made a deep-throated gurgle, his youthful face
a mask of total agony.
Haley knee came up again, and again, smashing into his dangling
balls every few seconds. After twenty hits, Wanda stopped her, and
took his testicles into her hand. She felt the rapidly swelling
nuts and found them to be still intact.

"These balls are tough bastards" said Wanda. "Take off your shoe
and kick him."

Wanda pulled his penis hard up again, as Haley swung her long
shapely leg and smashed the top of her foot hard into his swinging
testicles. His head was beginning to loll on his chest, but he was
still conscience, as Haley continued to kick him.
After ten more kicks, Wanda stopped her, and again felt his balls.

"Ah," she said, "you've smashed his left nut, here - feel".

Haley took his sac into her hands and felt the huge swelling of his
right ball, and behind it, small hard fragments of the remains of
the testicular wall of the other. Within the thin pliancy of his
scrotum, she could feel the strange spaghetti-like contents of the
burst testicle, and she squished it about and panted, as another
orgasm racked her body. Then she took his remaining gland in her
hand, and remembering how Wanda had cracked one of the other
prisoner's nuts, she pushed it down into her interlinked fingers,
placed her thumb nails together on the side of his testicle and
bore down with all her strength. The previous treatment of his
testicle has swollen and softened the fibrous shell, and her thumbs
broke through like bursting a peach. She then prised the softened
shell apart and squeezed out the contents of his ruined nut to join
the mush of his other ball. The prisoner's head was rolling from
side to side in his agony, spittle pouring from around the ball
gag, and his body soaked in sweat. Amazingly, his long thick penis
was still rigid and pulsing with his heartbeat, and pointing
upwards several inches past his navel, due to his drug induced
erection. Wanda walked around to the back of the frame, put her
hand between his legs, reached up and grasped the end of his turgid
shaft. With a swift yank, she wrenched his cock down between his
legs and right up behind his arse. There was a soft sound of
tearing tissue as the erectile meatus of his cock was torn asunder
at this sudden vicious bending of the rigid shaft. As she let go,
his cock swung back to its original position, but with a distinct
bend near the base. Blood was already pouring from the internal
fissure, and Wanda took a steel clamp from her bag, pushed it over
his broken penis and tightened it at the base until she had stopped
the blood flow.

"Oooh," said Haley, "I've just come again."

Wanda returned to the officer on the adjacent frame, and addressed
him. "Now you, my friend," she began, "have had the worst deal of
the lot today. I needed to show Haley here how to torture a man
without leaving marks or damage, and you got elected. This means
that you have already suffered more pain that any of the others yet
you are still a whole man. And nobody leaves my torture chamber
with their wedding tackle intact. So I am going to ask my student
here to choose the method of your emasculation."

Turning to Haley, she said "Now you've seen my techniques in
torture on the others here today, and I would like you to choose
the method of this man's sexual destruction.”

The officer started to plead with her. "No more, please, I'll do
anything ..."

Haley interrupted. "I fancy using your special ball crusher on one
of his testicles, and then I'd like to employ your 'twister' and
remove his complete scrotum. And then perhaps, I could bust his

"No, pleeeese ..." the prisoner began, but he was interrupted by a
sharp rap on the chamber door.

Wanda winked at Haley, and walked over and opened the door.

Two smart soldiers stood there, and the first spoke.

"Sergeant Baker from the special interrogation unit, ma'am. I
believe you have a Lieutenant Martin here?"

Wanda made a show of looking at her papers on the desk, and then
said, "That's him over there," and pointed at the officer. "But we
haven't finished with him yet."

"We think he has some information we need," said the Sergeant, "and
I wish to remove him immediately. If he fails to tell us all we
want to know, you can have him back to finish him off."

"Help yourself," said Wanda, and the two soldiers started to undo
the restraints on the Lieutenant. Within a couple of minutes,
dressed in a lab coat, he was led away.

"Be seeing you," said Haley brightly.

As the door closed behind the soldiers, Wanda said to Haley,
"You'll not see him again. After his experiences in here, he will
tell them absolutely everything. They will then brainwash him and
send him back to the enemy as a spy. That was a good day's work,
Haley, well done. Now we'll get the hospital boys over here to
collect these eunuchs, and then we can go for a shower and a few
beers. Then I'll show you some of the special torturing equipment
I've got in my workshop, and I'll introduce you to Terry, who's a
masochist, and has the biggest balls you've ever seen in your life.
I try things out on him, and he loves it, but I'm careful not to
bust them. Over the last two years, my experimental tortures on his
testicles has caused them to grow to enormous proportions, and they
can take huge amounts of punishment. He also ejaculates more cum
from his monster nuts than even spicy meatballs here, so you will
never go thirsty!"

Haley eyes widened in anticipation. "Sod the beers," she grinned,
"lead me to him!"

She was beginning to enjoy her job as the Torturer's Apprentice.

The end.

Обычно как пишут? "Cхватила, сдавила, скрутила, вцепилась как клещ (в грабителя) - эмоций много, а чего делает непонятно..." или угрозы "я тебе яйца с корнем вырну"... Тут же особых угроз нет, зато подробнейше описана техника пыток.
Помню, кто то назвал сочинения Достоевского "сборником пятых актов трагедий".
Тут примерно тоже самое - сборник кульминаций из ужасников.

Заходит женщина в камеру, где пятеро пленных воинов прикованы к "пыточным рамам" и говорит:
- Моя работа в том что бы сломать вас непероносимой болью!... А девушка рядом со мной - студентка, которая готовится стать 'офицером по обработке военнопленных'. Будет смотреть и учиться!"
Один из пятерых воинов знает некий супер-важный секрет.
Задача: показать ему на примере четерех товарищей какие штуки с ним будут делать, если он не захочет этот секрет рассказать.
И начинается. Ванда (так зовут женщину) показывает студентке, как правильно взять яйцо в руку и куда давить, чтоб не повредить его раньше времени - "клиент" должен помучиться и поизвиваться по максимуму, прежде чем вырубится.
Второго она пытает железной яйцедавкой, где сдавливание идет со всех сторон, чтоб яйцо не сплющивалось как блин. Воин крутится на лещ на раскаленной сковородке, мычит в кляп... Заканчивается тем, что яйцо его превращается в... (не буду говорить).
Студентка, глядя на все это, кончает. Глаза горят.
Третьему Ванда скручивает мошонку (twisting) пятью поворотами... На третьем повороте крутить становится труднее, потом мошонка разрывается - сразу легче скручивать. В результате, она вырывает бедняге все внутренности (описано в деталях).
Четвертого пытают электричеством - это не совсем по теме.
Останавливаются перед пятым.
- А вот теперь студентка покажет на Вас как она усвоила урок.
(все разговоры в очень вежливой форме)
Студентка только коснулась его, тот сразу и раскололся... Зажигается свет, входят какие то другие офицеры: "парень уже готов с нами сотрудничать?".
Ванда объясняет студентке, что этих четверых, с поврежденными органами, отправят в военный госпиталь - пусть они там пообщаются с другими военнопленными и пусть те узнают, что "за жестокое общение во время войны с жителями нашей страны" всех попавших в плен ждут такие-же пытки.
Типа, "мы с тобой предотвращаем жестокость". Ну, это уже лирика...
Потом они идут к знакомому мазохисту продолжать свои игры - будет примерно тоже самое, но надо во время остановиться.

Рассказ показывает:
к чему КОНКРЕТНО может привести неумеренная игра "девайсами" и кручение мошонки.
Эмоций на эту тему, обычно, много - конкретики мало.
Format C
11/4/2013, 3:56:44 AM
Пара замечаний о вчерашней сессии с "мадамой", которая на фотографии.
(Luna, точнее "Scandalous (шокирующая) Lunа", Монреаль)


Давно хотел с ней встретиться, но была уехавши в Париж. Недавно вернулась.
Недели две вел переписку электронной почтой - мадам своего постоянного места для сессий не имеет, но ответила: "готова приехать к вам домой или в отель со своими девайсами".
Пришлось, значит, мне снимать номер в отеле на 4 часа, канитель еще та и доп. расходы, и вообще... вдруг не приедет. Нужен мне тогда этот отель?
Приехала. Ростом чуть выше, чем я думал, но "фэйс-контроль" проходит однозначно. Сценарий в письмах оговорили заранее: роль "ласковой садистки", давить и скручивать руками, потом еще и дейвайсом + зажим мне на соски.
Трамплинг босыми ногами я в этот раз не планировал, чтобы не "размазывать" ощущения.
Наручники мадам не привезла, скрутила мне руки веровками сзади, села на кровать (я стою перед ней) и перешла к основной программе. Проявив неожиданную изобретательность... не знаю, как это назвать то. Бондаж мошонки? Намотала чуть выше каждого яичка тонкий шапагат, в две накрутки. "Коки" сразу посинели, любое прикосновение болезненно.
Как договорились, стоп слово: "Согласен быть у Вас в рабстве!"
Ее задача: выпытывать это слово.
Моя задача: сопротивляться, терпеть как партизан.
За каждый "стоп" - двадцать долларов, сверх оплаты по тарифу.
Ощущения долго описывать не буду: знакомые кусания губ, округление глаз ("глаза на лоб") + стискивание связанных рук в кулаки.
Я давно научился НЕ кричать во время пыток. Да и со связыванием рук, думаю - перестраховка.
Рука партнерши = маленькие тиски. Все как обычно: яйцо у нее в кулаке, между загнутым в кулак большим пальцем и четырьмя остальными.
Правда, бондаж мошонки (не оговоренный, но и не запрещенный) удесятеряет боль! Чувствую, влип основательно.
Семь раз сказал "Согласен быть у Вас в рабстве!" (после каждого, она сама доставала 20-долларовую бумажку из моего нагрудного кармана, пока там не стало пусто). Острые ощущения!!!... Иногда казалось, что могу потерять сознание.
Возненавидел и партнершу, и ее руки, и собственный мазохизм
+ выстрел боли, когда она снимала с моих сосков зажим (а я даже и забыл, что у меня там что-то прицеплено)...
Девайсом (клампом) она меня мучить не стала, потому что тоже "забыла" взять его с собой. А жаль. С фетишовой точки зрения, ее руки очень подходят "вкручивать винт", а голос - рассказывать (что тоже было задумано по сценарию... причем, не по английски, а по французски, потому что она "франкофонка") будто "яйца превращаются в месиво". Как это должно звучать я и сам толком не знаю - хотел, вот, услышать...
Но мне и без того хватило ощущений. Вспоминаю, поеживаясь. Еще не улеглось.
+ реально красивая молодая "бабенка".
Помучила классно и денег сняла достаточно.